Secure Identity Alliance is dedicated to supporting the provision of legal, trusted identity for all, and to drive the development of inclusive digital services necessary for sustainable, worldwide economic growth and prosperity.
Click here to read more or visit our official website:
The goal of SIA’s OSIA Initiative is to eliminate vendor lock-in and assure interoperability for sovereign identity programs via a set of open standard interfaces - independent of technology, solution architecture or vendor.
Click here to read more or visit OSIA official website
The conception and development of OSIA is fully open, read next chapter to learn how to contribute.
SIA has provided a guide to present its Open Source Licensing Terms, describing rights and duties of each member. You must read it first.
SIA Open Source Licensing Terms (pdf)
You can download a template letter that you must fill and return to be granted on the project.
Letter of undertaking for my participation in the Open Source software projet (odt)
Letter of undertaking for my participation in the Open Source software projet (docx)